Welcome to Saint John Vianney! We are a Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana located in the beautiful city of Fishers. Our Pastor is Fr. Dale Ehrman, we are also blessed to have two Associate Priests, Fr. Matthew Kalu (Senior Associate), and Fr. Cole Daily.
It's always a pleasure to welcome visitors and new parishioners to Mass with us at SJV. Our priests are usually available in the Narthex area following Mass and would love to meet you and find out where you are traveling from! Please say hello to them! Fill out a Connection Card and let us know what brought you to SJV and how we may pray for you.
We have Coffee and Donuts in the Narthex after the Sunday Masses, please join us!
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact us...we are happy to help however we can in making your visit to St. John Vianney a comfortable, beautiful and spirit filled experience!
We are located at 15176 Blessed Mother Blvd, Fishers, Indiana. Directions | St. John Vianney Catholic Church | Fishers, IN (sjvfishers.org)
Once you turn onto our beautiful winding driveway you'll see the Church ahead on the left. The main door will be the first door you come to that is facing the parking lot. There are some visitor parking spaces to the side of that door which we encourage you to use! There is a door at the other end of the building further into the parking lot. You are welcome to use this door, but please note that you will be entering at the front of the pews.
Children are most welcome at Mass! We know they are wiggly, it's okay! We encourage you to sit toward the front where they can more easily see and hear.
Special Children's Bulletins are provided for our younger flock. Please pick one up in the Narthex or under the clock in the Nave (where the pews are).
We do have a small area in our Community Room (off the Narthex), which has an assortment of children's books. You are welcome to borrow a book from there for your child to use during Mass.
If you have to leave Mass for a moment with your child, please feel free to step into the Narthex. You will still be able to see and hear the Mass on the Narthex television, but please come back in when you and your child are ready!
St. John Vianney's Ministry of Mom's Sharing has stocked the women's restroom with diapers and wipes (along with feminine hygeine products). If you are in a bind and need any of those items, please help yourself!
There is a quiet, private room available for nursing Mom's who would like to use it. However, you are also welcome to stay in the Nave as well, please do whatever is most comfortable for you and your child.
We are blessed at St. John Vianney to be on a beautiful piece of property! There is a wonderful playground and a covered pavilion. Please feel free to let your little ones have some play time and burn off all that energy after Mass with some of our other little SJV'ers.
If you have any other questions, please contact us thru the website or call the office at 317-5485-0150.
Please let an Usher or Greeter know if you need a low-gluten host or need to have the Eucharist brought to your pew. They will be in the Narthex prior to Mass starting. We are happy to help!
At St. John Vianney we have a center aisle where we form two Communion lines from the front to back. We have ushers who assist with the process.
Here is additional information about receiving Holy Eucharist at a Catholic Church.
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday: 5 - 5:50 pm
Wednesday: 5 - 5:50 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: Immediately following Mass until 10:00 am